About The Book

front cover

Inside the Untold Frontlines

Discover the WWII Secrets Buried for 80 Years

The Story Never Told by Allen Oxford uncovers the dark side of the war, which no one has witnessed or heard about, that is up to 80 years old. His book is meticulously planned and the best book on revealing hidden WWII battles that has all the qualities to draw the reader in. Oxford also presents various interested and un-glorified persons who contributed to the outcome of the war. This book also explores untold historical events and truth about the unrest that took place within the corridors of power. Setting up everyone present with it for great use ensures a greater enhancement of the world’s course, but also of WWII.

What Awaits You in The Story Never Told

Unseen Battles, Unheard Voices, and Unbreakable Courage of History’s Unsung Heroes

media ban

A World War II Battle Not Covered by the Media for Many Years

war challenges

The War Experience of U.S. Congressman Frank Boykin, Significant Aspects and Challenges


Personal testimonials, detailed images, and valiant hearts — the stories of those who have not made the headlines

In the Story That Never Dies,
readers are invited to a studious walk through the neglected pages of history.